Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It's addictive, worse than a drug I should say, though I've never taken any. Now I understand why the suffix meaning 'obsession' is attached to it. You can't stop it, can't help it. You'd gladly and willingly kill yourself in the process. The stress keeps you going, the adrenaline giving you energy that you never knew you had. Another deadline. Another late night. More coffee. More mint. Another waking up feeling like shit after two hours sleep. Putting off that hunger so you can finish a little bit more. Another friend who wanted to talk biffed off cuz you are 'busy'. Another week without talking to your folks. Feeling restless if there is nothing to do. Oh yes, it's addictive alright. Like a drug, but more. You never ask yourself why you are doing it; you can't, you don't have the time. You've lost a ton of weight. Your skin is already wrinkling up. But you haven't noticed; looking in the mirror is not high on your priorities. When your friend says you look sick, you give a faint smile and go back to work. Even half an hour of sitting idle seems like a waste. Talking to a friend is just crazy; you have so much more to do. It's never enough, how much ever you work. There's always a little bit more. Another deadline. Another late night. More coffee. More mint.

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