Sunday, December 9, 2012

oh my goodness gracious me!

You see, the thing is that in everybody's life there comes a time when you just got to call it the quits! You say, I have been here too long and I have been doing this too long and I don't care anymore whether the sun goes around the moon or not. Because the thing is that it doesn't. Now that may not make much sense to a lot of people, and it doesn't make sense to me. But the point is who cares?! I must point out here that I am not writing this in the tone that you think that I am writing it in. Do this. Picture an old, short, bald italian man who works with the mafia boss and has his own lamborgini and your selection of favourite gun. No don't picture that. Remove that picture.

You see the thing is that I, that is me, that is who you know in the blog as Bertie, that is I, have the EXAMS!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH 

Somebody who knows my real name please KILL ME!!!!

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