Saturday, April 20, 2013

Americans are so weird about yoga n stuff

What's with Americans and all this weird 'yoga' stuff man?! "Homeopathic remedy for grief"?! You kiddin me. Why do they gotta go all weird on us. Ayurveda n yoga are perfectly normal things. So is meditation. And also, most people who do yoga, I mean really do yoga and not just say things like 'Om Sweet Om' don't really wear funny jewellery and talk about strange sounding stuff all the time. And Ayurveda is actually a proper medical practice. My Ayurvedic doctor doesn't wear peacock hairs or anything. He wears a suit n works in a freakin hospital man! Really you guys, i.e. Americans, get a life and stop getting fooled by all the fake junk that fake yogis from India try to sell you. Please tell me at least some of you have the sense to tell the difference!!! 

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