Monday, February 22, 2010


Don't listen to those people who tell you that it's just some pieces of paper. By my grandpa's graying beard, I swear they are lying. No one who hasn't experienced a limited inflow of it, coupled with an unlimited outflow of it, can ever claim to know what money is truly about. It has the power to change lifestyles, to change beliefs and principles, to change friendships, and to change character, in essence to change, you. It can completely alter your idea of the priorities in life, making what once seemed trivial, the most important thing. It can lead you to equate that ill-famed "material goods" with all the abstract concepts of pleasure and happiness that you have only heard of. Your idea of the 'small joys of life' changes from watching the sunrise, to going for a fancy dinner. Everything is suddenly about money - "How much will I get if I do this? How much do I have to spend on this? How much money do I lose if I go for a movie instead of working?" I have been bitten by this 'money' bug; learnt its value the hard way. And yes, not only did I equate money to pleasure and happiness, but also equated it to my ego and independence, and gladly turned into a workaholic. Oh they may only be pieces of paper, but they made me age by a decade, and turned me into a real, typical law school student.

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