I can't obsess. No I mean it. I can't. I want to, but I can't. Everything I've 'obsessed' over...has lasted hardly a month. It didn't even start until 3rd year in college..can you believe that? So I spent 19 years of my life without a single obsession - not one actor, not one show, not one singer..nothing. Kinda sad. And now I realized I can't anymore. My attention span is too short. Too short. So I went mad about Jim Parsons, the actor from Big Bang Theory for a little bit. And then I moved on. And then I obsessed over Star Trek, the show...for a bit. Moved on again. Obsessed over Arthur (Camelot, Merlin and stuff). But it seems I'm moving on from that too. Moving to Game of Thrones...I'm trying to learn Dothraki. But learning a language is difficult. And I don't know how long my attention will stay. And I forget things. I have to read something over and over to remember it. I don't know why. So many people just remember things they love. I don't. I can't even remember Jim Parson's birthday now. That's how sad I am. I don't know why this is so. Maybe I'm too sensible, maybe I can't concentrate on one thing or one person, or I don't have persistence. Yeah that's what it probably is. Anyway whatever the reason, I just don't know a whole lot about anything. Because I get bored. I really hope someday I will be able to. That there'll be this one topic that I will be like a real expert on. That will be sooooo cool.

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