Monday, May 20, 2013

Sarees and the Veiled Rebecca

I went to the Salarjung Museum in Hyderabad recently. A place worth visiting - both Hyderabad and the Museum. The artifact that really caught my eye (and that of many others, including of course the prince Salarjung whose collection the museum is) was 'The Veiled Rebecca' by Benzoni, who is nothing short of genius, a sentiment you will understand when you see this -

copyright belongs to someone else cuz I follow rules
You see that veil covering her face, and in fact her whole body if you look at that other photo. The whole statue, the pleats of the skirt, the folds of the veil, the delicate see-throughness of it, the slender figure, all of it is done in marble. Which, if you think about it, is amazingly incredibly awesome!! And I won't explain why because if I have to explain that, then you might as well tie two 100 kilo rocks on your leg and jump into the pacific and try to swim to the surface cuz that's how long it'll take you to understand aesthetics. 

I thought of saris. This should be a separate post maybe. But I thought of it immediately and all of it is about women. I think a sari is the most wonderful and elegant piece of dressing ever. First of all, it's just a cloth. A long long cloth, but nevertheless, it's not stitched into a particular design or anything. And yet, what wonders can be done with it! No other piece of clothing covers so much, yet reveals so much. A sari is a tease. It clings to the female body, so that the curves are heightened but covers almost the entire body, but tantalising leaves open the mid-riff...a low cut blouse will show off the back...and a little strategic flick, and the pallu that covers the breasts over the blouse can flip off, revealing the cleavage for a tiny second before it is covered up again. 


  1. So you finally got round to writing your travel blog huh? :D Nice pictures!

  2. After taking a look at the exquisite sculpture, I will attempt to visit the museum the next time I am in Hyderabad. Thanks for the pictures and the description!

  3. Very nice post. Thanks for sharing information about the statue of Veiled Rebecca which was built by G.B. Benzoni. The statue is placed in the famous and one of the country's largest museum known as Salar Jung Museum.
