Monday, March 22, 2010


Stand together, yet not too near together. For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow. – Khalil Gibran (The Prophet)


A relationship, any relationship shouldn't turn into a chain. Because if it does, then it restricts freedom. And freedom is important. Sometimes the chain feels good, it feels protective and warm, and you feel like staying in it. But you can't let yourself. Because if you do, you are bound. And to one to whom freedom is most important, no chain, however pleasant, can ever be accepted. Because it is, after all, a chain, whether made with silk or with metal. Every relationship between two adults has to be one of equals. Each adult individual is strong enough and capable enough to take care of himself or herself. A relationship of love is one of deep caring; it is not, and should not be, one of taking care of the other. Each of us in this journey of life, are here for ourself. Me for me, you for you. We can help each other, guide each other, hold each other's hand; but we cannot, and should not, want to or try to carry another. You take a partner in your journey so that your journey can become simpler, pleasanter. But if you end up changing your route for another, or trying to carry another, then you will only end up ruining both your lives.



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