Friday, November 11, 2011

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret Unicorn (movie 2011)

Today has been one hell of an exciting day!! Tintin released today (an entire month before it releases in the U.S. :D )I'd been looking forward to it for almost a year now!! I couldn't stop fidgeting all night yesterday and through class today morning...I was so excited! As soon as class got over, me and my friend almost tumbled out to the theater in such haste...people must've thought we'd gone mad!!!

Oh and we were not disappointed! It was AWESOME!!! Herge would've been so proud of Steven Spielberg. Oh and Steven Moffat has done another brilliant job!!! Although I was a little sad that it didn't stick to the story, I vowed not to let it spoil the movie for me and anyway I loved how the spirit of the comic was retained. It was clear that Spielberg is a big Tintin fan too!! It was almost like fan fiction. :D

Andy Serkis disappointed me a little bit (but only because Haddock had been my favourite character). Oh but Snowy more than made up for it. Snowy was absolutely brilliant in the movie....the way he handed Haddock the bottle of liquor and how he cringed when Bianca was singing!! :D :D :D And so was Jamie Bell. Bell really brought out the character of Tintin beautifully! I've begun to look at Tintin himself with new found respect. And this has been Daniel Craig's best performance to date I must say.

But I'd been so excited about the movie that I don't think I processed it at all. I must see it again, and this time more calmly.

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