Thursday, November 10, 2011

My God

To those of you who tell me that because I am an atheist, I don't have a God - My God is my belief in the goodness of humanity. Like God, it's existence or non-existence can almost never be accurately tested. Like faith in God, my faith in humanity is half-blind. Like everybody else, I doubt my God sometimes, wonder if I'm placing too much confidence in God.

Like all other faith, I come to the conclusion that I must defend the existence of my God at all costs. I've also realized that my entire life revolves around my God and that whether or not God exists or not, it is all I have to really hold on to. And as my friend said to me, "You believe even when you walk back wet and tired from the beach to the bench from where your clothes have been stolen."  And that is what it is all about.

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