Sunday, October 28, 2012

I am an influencer!!!

Yeah...that's right. I'm an influencer. I know that word doesn't exist. But I am anyway. An influencer that is. I just had my best friend (read girl-I'm-madly-in-love-with-but-can't-tell-cuz-she's-straight) start a blog. Not that I did it. But I helped her out and that counts. I swear it does! And I got people drinking and smoking and yeah yeah even smoking up but they'd have done that anyway without me cuz our college is this shit crazy place and all. Anyway I wrote this cuz I thought 'hey she started a blog so I should write in mine'. There you go. That's all I gotta say. Blogs don't make any sense to me. I never know how to start or how to end. So I just write the middle. 

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