Tuesday, October 30, 2012

this is all for you my darling girl who i'm in love with and whose house i'm living in right now but only platonicaly ofcourse

my beautiful gorgeous magnificent wonderful darling.....i know you're gonna check this first thing in the morning cuz that's what you do and i luuurrvvee you for it even if i make fun of you all the time. here's my public love message to you - how shall i compare thee to a summer's day thou art more lovely and more temperate rough winds do shake something or the other and something to do with the darling buds of may and so on and so forth. anyway, let's get to the serious bit.
(pbaps: what's with this script man! why can't they let punctuation be seen?!)
(ppbaps: if you're not this particularly wonderful girl and are otherwise un-interested in my life and just want to laugh a lot watch seinfeld. or also you could watch the video at the end of the post. i'm not very funny but i'm a little funny says my friend who is very funny but only ocassionally but ellen is funny.)

the serious bit. i decided not to send in my application just yet. you know to the thing i was going to apply to that i don't want to put up on a blogpost because hey what if there's like a creepy stalker dude stalking my blog and he finds out who i am! whoa that wouldn't be nice at all and would in fact be really creepy and maybe also a little dangerous and i really should get to the point now right? yeah so the application. i sent the essay to my lovely (not-so-much) bro who says, and i agree, that the essay is not personal enough. he says, and i agree, that i should write more about experiences i've had and how they've affected me. he says, and i agree, that right now the essay reads like something someone would say on a tv debate (heartbreak!

(pppbaps: if you're interested pbaps stands for post but also pre script)

also he says, and i agree, that all the ambitious people would've already applied so while there'll be fewer vacancies there'll also be less competition. he says, and i agree, that my application needs a lot of work and what's the point of sending it if you (that is I and also i think he) are not happy with it.

okay all of you non-existent stalking people who are here for funny stuff and don't want to understand the tragedies of my life, my really awesome friend who watches gossip girl xoxo sent me this funny video. here you go. there. happy now? laugh all you want. she's funny. i'm not. damn funniness anyway. who wants to be funny. not me. All Hail Pens for Her!

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