Sunday, June 23, 2013

My new reading list

I saw glow worms yesterday. But they turned into water droplets reflected in the street light. I haven't seen glowworms in a long time. I'm not sure how to spell the word - is it glow worm with a space between the two words, or is it hyphenated as in glow-worm, or is it written as one word glowworm, or perhaps with a single 'w' being used as both the "oh" for glow and "uva" for worm. I could find out, but that would ruin the mystery. The mystery of how to pronounce a word. How sad my life has become! To have gone from solving murders in my head to solving the mysteries of words of little importance.

I have a new reading list. Not just the one I got from my book club (yes I have one and I'm damned if I'm judged for it!) but one from my dad. So, now I'm reading, or rather trying to read, books with titles like, "Methodology and Techniques of Social Research" and "Statistics in Psychology and Education". It's not all bad. For instance, I now know that what is required for the advancement of science is a continuing interplay between its logical frontiers (rationalism) and its experimental frontiers (empiricism). How exciting!

At some point in the future, I think I'll write about cities. I always write about cities. When I was at the Delhi Airport this time though, I had this beautiful piece written in my head, all about cities and their souls. And it was beautiful, although I say so myself. But when I got around to putting pen to paper, I lost it all. Every perfectly formed sentence just vanished. I told you I have this problem. I sometimes wish I had a pensieve.

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