Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The trials of an Ayurveda patient part 2

So, where had I stopped yesterday? Oh yes! The long and painful dump I took. To continue.

I'm sure any of you who read this have been crying with sympathy at all that they put me through. Well, you may wipe your tears now. For this is where the good part starts. After I felt like I had shat out all my internal organs, I slowly and tiredly took a long hot-water bath. I come out of the bathroom, and hey presto! my pain is GONE. VAMOOSH. Whereas I was almost limping while I walked until then, I nearly ran out of the room. Not only that, I felt at least 6 kilos lighter. I figure that's what astronauts feel like when they go to the moon. Lame joke. Point is, it felt awesome..completely and utterly like I had a new body. 

Of course, Ayurveda not being magic, the pain came back a few hours later. But everyday that I went through the torturous treatment, the pain took a little longer to materialize and was a little less in degree, until my 8th and final day when I could no longer feel any pain, in my back or leg. No pain, numbness or electric shocks. For six months after that, I didn't get a single attack! It went so well in fact, that the graduate student who was interning under my doctor, decided to make me her "case study". I found that I had a new-found respect for Ayurveda, and a greater willingness to put my body through hell to get it better. 

A year after the first set of treatment, I went for my second round. Just about 2 weeks ago. It was less successful this time, but the pain did come down a fair bit. Like I said, Ayurveda isn't magic, but it definitely is a darned good medical treatment. 

Having had two good treatments, I feel like an Ayurveda pro. The doctors know me by name without looking at the file, the technicians know my favourite colour of underwear, and I am on hi-hello basis with pretty much the entire Ayurveda department at the hospital. So I went in for the kill. Of myself of course. A 10 day weight reduction programme, which is what I'm in the middle of right now. I'll give you details of this later, but suffice it to say that after all they put me through in the other treatment, and everything I have to look forward to in this one, drinking oil on an empty stomach seems benign.  

1 comment:

  1. '...the technicians know my favorite colour of underwear...' hahahhaha
