Thursday, November 8, 2012

a tale of two or more cities

so here's the deal. i hate bangalore! ok so maybe not hate, but definitely intensely dislike bangalore. after the city i call home this place SUCKS. people are not friendly and everyone wants to charge you so much money for stupid things right. and there's just a general i-don't-givafuck attitude here wrt to other human beings n stuff. damn nasty. it's not like delhi though. bangalore is soulless. delhi has a nasty soul. i don't know what's worse. delhi i think. their attitude is if-i-could-i-would-stabyourback-and-laugh-maniacally. you see what i mean. delhi is worse. but it's got good places to eat. GREAT places to eat in fact. afghani restaurant in lajpat...parathewaligali in chandni....andhra bhavan...yumm! also old delhi is still pretty great. soulwise. you'll still get raped there though. i don't know about bangalore. i think you could get raped but not, say as much as in delhi. that's a horrible damned place. you know what's the best place on earth? Calcutta. oh yeah. you ignore all the dirtiness and the stench and the misery of the people and you know what you'll see? A soul. a character. a city au naturale. the way cities were always meant to be. chaotic, welcoming, crowded, filthy, friendly, charming. there's that guy who said about calcutta that if you stay there long enough you can smell the fragrance behind the stench. and that's so true. it's such a wonderfully lovely place. godbless! 

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