Sunday, November 25, 2012

Enid still makes me smile

Here's this wonderful wonderful thing this guy wrote about Enid Blyton. I couldn't say it better. Enid was a law unto herself. A land of fun and frolic filled with food and adventures. It was a fantasy land and not the Harry Potter kind of fantasy, where it's fantasy and yet not really fantasy at all. Enid's world was so different from real life that it was beautiful. you always knew when you read her works that real life didn't work like that. you don't get to go off camping with your cousins when the oldest of you is 13. you don't get to fight with the bad guys and save the day. and yes, as you grow up you realize that maybe that delicious sounding salad with fresh radishes may not be your favourite dish after all. but that was the best part about her stories. she made lemonade sound like the mouth-watering drink ever made on earth. She made living in a boarding school seem exciting and mysterious. Her world was magical. A place to escape to. A place that was your own. It was your little secret hideout that no one could find or take away where you could go after a bad day at school or a row with your parents. It was your world and no amount of 'reality' could change that

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