Thursday, November 29, 2012

I wanna be a skydiver

ma budday is comin soon. like super soon. 2 days soon. there's some bhajan thingy playin next door. it's not anymore. it reminds me of the buddhism stuff. maaaannnn that is almost creepy. i know it's a religion and stuff and i don't want to be disrespectful. that's not what i'm tryin to say. but just that when you wake up at 6.30 in the evenin with the muffled sound of 5 voices chanting in the room next to yours like it's a freakin cult it does scare shit out of you. try it sometime. take 2 days of not-sleeping-cuz-of-criminalminds-nightmares, add sleep-at-horrible-hourof4pm, then add super-crazy-neighbour-who's-friends-with-creepycatlady, finally add CHANTING!!!!!!! i was talking about ma birthday wan't i? yeah. so that. i'm thinking SAILOR PARTY. hahahahaha  as if! maybe a GAY PIRATE PARTY. lol man...i'm so fucking amusing to myself sometimes.

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