Saturday, November 3, 2012

masculinism is funnier than feminism :D

I always thought that feminists (i mean the ones that can't take a joke) are really funny. to really, passionately believe that there is a huge-ass anti-female conspiracy theory in EVERY goddamn thing i think requires....well....a complete and utter lack of a sense of humor. but, here's something funnier.


These guys call it "legal terrorism" and have a specially reserved hell for what they call "MALE FEMINISTS" also known as "PROTECTORS OF WOMEN" who according to these lovely men have been afflicted by the "LOOKING GOOD SYNDROME" (I'm not kidding you. these are their real words!)

Oh, and also, they claim that many men are also victims of "MISPLACED ASS SYNDROME". Now I can't seem to figure out what that is (surely, because my female brains aren't equipped to handle such sophisticated thought) but it seems to have something to do with Sachin and Mumbai Indians and domestic violence petitions and extra-marital affairs. (Don't look at me!)

So, if you're one of these misplaced souls, please read this for enlightenment.

Peace all!

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