Saturday, November 3, 2012

thinking in points....please don't do!

so my friend writes this post about 10 minutes before i was going to write one on the same topic. and well, i don't agree with her. and since i was gonna go writing a post about this anyway, i thought hell i will! it's not copying or plagiarism or shit.

so believe it or not, the topic that got a hold of our minds was well point-thinking, meaning thinking in points. This is what she thinks. (she says its sarcastic but god man! you gotta know that it's sarcastic or there's no fucking point) anyway...this isn't about her. this is about him (although he writes well. organized he is damn him!)

and i say THE SHIT! what are we, like some kind of bamboozled monkeys trying to write Shakespeare or something? i mean, if i were a monkey (i mean, the banana obsessed creatures that live on trees and not the banana obsessed creatures that live in houses and work on computers) and i was put in front of a typewriter and told to come up with Shakespeare, i wouldn't be thinking "Right. Shakespeare. 1. We FIND OUT who Shakespeare is. 2. We UNDERSTAND how he works. 3. We begin to LEARN typing....and so on." Heck! that sounds like something from a management book. i were a monkey and put in front of a typewrite and told to come with Shakespeare, I would go "ook ook" eat my banana and promptly smash the typewriter on the idiot's head. if i could get away with it i'd also probably pull some hairs, break some glasses and generally be a nuisance to everyone.

the point is, we got this beautiful chaotic world right? and this beautiful chaotic mind inside us? why we wanna ruin it by thinking in points man. we gotta think whatever we feel like thinking and say it too. i'm not a number man! 

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