Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chillar Party and why I had an amazing train ride

I wanna write about Chillar Party cuz it's a pretty darn amazing movie! I spent all of the second half of the movie crying my eyes out in the train. which. was. EMPTY. okay...not so much empty as not cramped full. i had the whole bay to myself. so i spent a very nice diwali all by myself in an airconditioned coach in a train with bad biriyani and a coupla movies and a book for company. that's fun too. honest! the movie is beautiful. it's cute and feel good and makes you feel all gooey inside. it's a nice feeling. and of course crying helps. i don't know what it is about crying but once you let those little drops of tears flow they just keep on coming. and you cry and you cry and then you cry cuz you're crying. strange old thing. Oh and dogs are absolutely lovely but cats are the best! 

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